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Data Science

Data Science



Explore the captivating world of Data Science, gain technical skills, and develop a data-driven mindset to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets. Suitable for beginners and experienced learners.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 11
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 02:52:21 Hours
Total Enrolment 1
Number Of Reviews 13
Avg Rating
Short Description Explore the captivating world of Data Science, gain technical skills, and develop a data-driven mindset to extract meaningful insights from complex datasets. Suitable for beginners and experienced learners.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts of Data Science
  • Acquire hands-on experience in working with real-world datasets
  • Develop proficiency in applying machine learning algorithms and making data-driven decisions
  • Master effective communication and visualization techniques to present findings
  • Explore the diverse applications of Data Science across various industries
  • Foster a data-driven mindset that embraces curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity
  • Basic understanding of statistics and mathematics (beneficial, but not mandatory)
  • Access to a computer with the necessary software installed
  • Curiosity, critical thinking, and a willingness to learn