Certificate Verification

Sorry, we didn't find any certificate associated with this ID. Please check it and try another one.
First name:
Last name:
Official name:

This page allows you to verify whether the certificates you have been presented by one of our students are authentic. Every certificate includes an individual verification number in the bottom of the design.

For every electronic certificate that is generated, a record is created and saved in our database. After you have entered the number, the database will verify whether such a record exists. 

Kindly please ensure you have key in the correct certificate ID for proper validation. Should you have any questions on specific certificates or should you have encountered discrepancies, feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected]


Additional Verification Services

Atlanta College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has partnered up with two organizations to proceed the education verification, including Qualification Check and IEE. Students can select either one based on your preference to proceed the education verification report, according to different needs

Please note that verification payments will need to be completed on your own.

Qualification Check provides global primary source verification of academic and professional qualifications and licences to practise.

If you are planning to do further studies physically in the United States or immigrate to the USA, you can head to IEE for credential evaluation, ensuring your academic qualifications meet U.S. standards.

To know how to verify your certificate, please read the guide here