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Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation



In this course, you will gain the technical and managerial skills necessary to become a successful manager in the digital transformation landscape.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 8
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 04:00:00 Hours
Total Enrolment 1
Number Of Reviews 10
Avg Rating
Short Description In this course, you will gain the technical and managerial skills necessary to become a successful manager in the digital transformation landscape.
  • Manage digital transformation initiatives
  • Gain a competitive edge in the field of digitalization
  • Develop an understanding of how major frontier technologies work
  • Students need to have basic computer and Internet usage skills to ensure smooth online learning, including watching videos, submitting assignments, and participating in exams.
  • Students will need to develop independent learning skills, including self-organization, time management, and problem-solving skills, to fully participate in courses and complete related assignments.
  • Students are required to ensure that they have good English reading and comprehension skills as some course materials and learning resources are primarily in English.