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Innovation Management

Innovation Management



Explore the dynamic world of innovation management, uncovering strategies and methodologies to drive creativity and foster groundbreaking ideas.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 10
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 02:51:42 Hours
Total Enrolment 0
Number Of Reviews 10
Avg Rating
Short Description Explore the dynamic world of innovation management, uncovering strategies and methodologies to drive creativity and foster groundbreaking ideas.
  • Understand key concepts and methodologies in innovation management
  • Gain insights into fostering a culture of innovation and navigating challenges
  • Explore emerging trends and technologies shaping the innovation landscape
  • Acquire practical tools and perspectives to drive successful innovation initiatives
  • Basic understanding of business concepts (recommended)
  • Passion for innovation and driving change