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Leadership and Team Development

Leadership and Team Development



In this course, you will learn the most important skills and most applicable tools of successful Leadership and Team Development.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 13
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 03:00:00 Hours
Total Enrolment 56
Number Of Reviews 10
Avg Rating
Short Description In this course, you will learn the most important skills and most applicable tools of successful Leadership and Team Development.
  • Essential leadership techniques and tools
  • Managing, leading and developing a team
  • Leadership that sparks ideas and quick execution
  • Requiring students to express a strong interest in the course they are enrolled in will help ensure that students stay motivated during the learning process and are more likely to be engaged in the course content.
  • Students need to complete courses and exams on time to ensure that they understand and master the course content in order to successfully obtain the course certificate.
  • Students are required to be able to apply the theoretical knowledge learned in the course to actual scenarios, and to concretize the concepts they have learned through case analysis, project practice or field trips.