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Strategy and Operation

Strategy and Operation



In this course, you will learn the most important skills and the most applicable tools for a successful strategic operations strategy in a quick and effective way.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 9
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 03:30:00 Hours
Total Enrolment 57
Number Of Reviews 10
Avg Rating
Short Description In this course, you will learn the most important skills and the most applicable tools for a successful strategic operations strategy in a quick and effective way.
  • Develop comprehensive strategic management and operational management plans to establish a clear direction and execution framework for the enterprise to achieve orderly advancement of business goals.
  • Assist enterprises to find the most suitable strategic execution plan, ensure that execution is highly consistent with strategy, and improve business execution efficiency.
  • Master key strategic operational tools and technologies to provide strong support for corporate decision-making, optimize operational processes, and enhance overall competitiveness. ​
  • Having some work experience, especially in the field of management, strategic planning or operations will be more conducive to in-depth understanding of the course.
  • Have interest in corporate strategy and operations, and are eager to improve their knowledge and skills in this area.
  • Have a proactive learning attitude and motivation, and be willing to think deeply and participate in practice.
  • Have certain management foundation and understand basic concepts such as organizational structure and business processes.