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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management



An introduction to the most important skills and most applicable tools of human resource management and organizational behavior.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 13
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 02:42:40 Hours
Total Enrolment 59
Number Of Reviews 11
Avg Rating
Short Description An introduction to the most important skills and most applicable tools of human resource management and organizational behavior.
  • Strategic planning of HR processes
  • Finding, selecting and recruiting the right team members
  • Performance evaluation and feedback management
  • Positive learning attitude: Students should devote themselves to the course with a positive learning attitude and keep an open mind towards the study of human resources management. Be willing to accept new knowledge, be willing to actively participate in discussions, and be optimistic about the challenges in the learning process.
  • Focus and participate in class: Students are expected to stay focused in class and actively participate in discussions and interactions. By thinking and sharing insights with classmates, we can establish a good learning atmosphere and improve our understanding of human resource management theory.
  • Responsible practice and application: Emphasize students’ responsible practice and application of the knowledge they have learned. Through independent research and project practice, apply theory to practical situations and cultivate problem-solving initiative and decision-making abilities.