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International Politics

International Politics



This International Politics course offers an in-depth examination of the complex interactions among nations on the global stage. Students will gain insights into how countries navigate the intricacies of international relations, negotiate, and address challenges that cross national borders. The course covers various aspects including diplomatic negotiations, global economic trends, and the interconnectedness of states, providing a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted world of international politics.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made In English
Last Updated At Wed Apr 2024
Total Lectures 12
Total Quizzes 1
Total Duration 03:14:57 Hours
Total Enrolment 0
Number Of Reviews 10
Avg Rating
Short Description This International Politics course offers an in-depth examination of the complex interactions among nations on the global stage. Students will gain insights into how countries navigate the intricacies of international relations, negotiate, and address challenges that cross national borders. The course covers various aspects including diplomatic negotiations, global economic trends, and the interconnectedness of states, providing a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted world of international politics.
  • Comprehensive understanding of international politics dynamics.
  • Ability to analyze global issues through various theoretical lenses.
  • Enhanced skills in critical thinking and diplomatic strategy formulation.
  • In-depth knowledge of the role and impact of international organizations.
  • Preparedness for engaging in global political discussions and decision-making.
  • Regular attendance and participation in discussions.
  • Completion of assigned readings and case studies.
  • Active engagement in group projects and simulations.
  • Submission of essays and research papers on relevant topics.
  • Final exam covering key concepts and theories.